Wet lab with facilities for nanomaterials synthesis and preparation
Nanocrystal growth with solvent-assisted precipitation and hot injection
Standard material spectroscopic characterizations
NTEGRA II, AFM and Near-field nanoimaging.
Equipped with CW lasers, 405 nm, 488 nm, 532 nm and 633 nm,
Combined with a femtosecond laser for nonlinear nanoimaging (SHG, coherent Raman)
Confocal microscope
TERS, TEPL, AFM, MFM, Kelvin probe, EFM
Maitai HP Spectra-Physics femtosecond oscillator laser
Tunable wavelength 690 - 1040 nm
SHG of the fundamental wavelengths, e.g. 400 nm
Pulse duration < 100 fs, power > 3 W
Picoharp 300, dual channel
Time-correlated single photon counter (TCSPC), time-resolved PL measurement, single photon emitter characterization, quantum sensing measurement.
Picoharp 300, 4 ps time reolution
PDM modules, < 100 dark counts, < 40 ps timing resolution
A pair of PDM single photon counting detectors
CW lasers with 405, 450, 488, 532, 633, 640, 808 nm emission line
nano-second laser
450 nm, tunable pulse duration from 5 ns to 39 nm
1 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz or external triger
GMW dipole electro-magnet, 45 mm
Field: >1T at 10 mm gap, 0.5 T at 25 mm gap
Combined with a home-built microscope for magneto-optical measurements, and non-linear optical microscopy
ARS closed cycle cryostat
Base temperature ~ 5K
Combined with an electromagnet and a femtosecond pump-probe setup for spin dynamics measurements.
Motorized angle-resolved polarization magneto-nonlinear optics.
Study crystal symmetry of 2D perovskites, transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers (TMDs) by second harmonic generation.
Study long-range spin order in magnet-doped TMD monolayers.
Time-resolved magneto-second harmonic generation (TR-MSHG)
Time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr rotation (TR-MOKE)
Multiphoton absorption magneto-photoluminescence.
Department of Chem and Biochem facilities:
Bruker Avance III 500 MHz Spectrometer
Bruker EMX Plus EPR Spectrometer
JEOL 300 MHz Spectrometer
UV-Vis absorption spectrometer
Spectro fluorophotometer RF-5301pc- Shimadzu
Ion trap mass spectrometer
Department of Physics, User Facilities
SEM, EDS, and EBSD Images Instruments | Microscopy | USU
Photolithography ndlEquipment (usu.edu)
E-beam lithography